Our natal chart explorations will be

  • Perceptive

    Our natal chart exploration session will be perceptive, as we will closely analyze your birth chart and gain insight into your unique personality traits, strengths, challenges, and life path based on the position of the planets and other celestial bodies at the time of your birth.

  • trauma-informed

    Our natal chart exploration session will be trauma informed, meaning that I will approach the interpretation of your chart with sensitivity and awareness of potential triggers or past traumas that may impact their experience. We will co-create a safe and supportive space for the client to explore their chart and gain insights without retraumatization.

  • Archetypal

    In a natal chart exploration session, we will delve into the archetypal energies present in your chart, helping you understand how they are expressed in your life and the lessons they hold for you. This approach will provide a deeper understanding of the underlying patterns in your life and can help you work towards greater wholeness and integration.

natal chart exploration

  • 90-minute in-person or Zoom session.

  • Comprehensive interpretation of the client's natal chart based on date, time, and place of birth.

  • Analysis of planetary positions, aspects, and house placements

  • Price: $155 for the full session.

  • This option is ideal for clients who want to gain a deeper understanding of themselves and their life purpose, including insights into relationships, career, and personal growth

  • Provides a personalized and detailed analysis of the client's astrological chart, highlighting strengths, challenges, and potential opportunities.

  • Book here!

relationship COMPATIBILITY reading

  • 120-minute in-person or Zoom session.

  • Interpretation of two birth charts to determine compatibility.

  • Analysis of planetary positions and aspects in both charts.

  • Price: $255 for full session.

  • This option is perfect for clients who want to gain insight into a romantic or business relationship.

  • It compares and contrasts the birth charts of two individuals to determine compatibility and provides guidance on how to strengthen or navigate the relationship.

  • Book here!